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Lower startup costs

A VoIP system does not require the initial investment in PBX and other expensive equipment. The only hardware you need is a gateway that connects your existing PBX to the Internet.

Lower total cost of ownership:

The estimate is that businesses save around 30% of their telecommunications costs when switching to VoIP. Some of the factors that lead to this is:

Lower monthly phone bills

Cheaper call rates result in a substantial monthly saving on your telephone bill.

Lower maintenance costs

The reason for the drastically reduced maintenance costs is the fact that a data network is much cheaper to maintain than circuitry and phone lines.


VoIP Services

Metroconnect offers reliable secure state of the art VoIP that compliments the Internet services and that can be easily activated and installed. VoIP is no longer a new technology and it is not difficult, but the benefits are huge. Whether you have existing equipment or nothing, Metroconnect can help your business take advantage of the operational and cost benefits of using internet based telephone services.Extremely competitive call rates and interconnection’s to all the major Voice service providers allow for a hassle free call experience at reduced rates, with a single point of contact for services.

Lower monthly phone bills

We offers true per second billing on all of our packages we offer including customized solutions. Don't be confused by other companies per second billing offers. Some companies offer per second billing after the first minute but we offer from the first second. Only pay for what you use and not a cent more. Switching for per minute to per second alone can save you up to 20% off your bill.

Number Porting

Metroconnect is fully loaded on the Geographic Number Portability database in South Africa which allows us to port any Geographic number onto our platform. We can port your existing Telkom number onto our VoIP platform and have you running with 1 – 2 weeks. With an extensive number range we can offer you numbers in a variety of regions including the 010, 012, 021, 031, 041, 051 and 087 330.cheaper call rates result in a substantial monthly saving on your telephone bill.

C: +27 72 3068 786
O: +27 878022692




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